

Modern Meiping Vase in Fa-Lang-Tsai Enamels with Figures

Modern Meiping Vase in Fa-Lang-Tsai Enamels with Figures

Coinllectibles Limited
Contract address: 0x61b0......634e
Token ID: #2732
Token standard: ERC-721
Blockchain: OEC
Artist / Owner:
Size: 26cm (Width) 26cm (Depth) 31.8cm (Height)
Created date: Sep 21, 2021
Collection: Bronze Collection

名稱及規格: 仿古金絲錦地琺瑯彩人物故事梅瓶

本拍品撇口,短頸,溜肩,長圓腹,直圈足。頸部彩雲綠樹、瓶身繪如意雲紋一週,金絲畫琺瑯仙女祝壽圖,描繪群仙女共慶西王母壽誕之場景。 祝壽圖繪有仙女及童子各手獻仙桃、古木參天,傲然挺拔,各仙女神態各異,靈動寫實,頗見功底。 瓷胎畫琺瑯是清代皇室自用瓷器中最具特色,景德鎮清代雍正窯始燒,屬於觀賞器。清( 1728 )乾隆年間,唐英被奉命兼任 景德鎮督陶官, 先後為 雍正 和乾隆 兩朝皇帝燒製瓷器,此 琺瑯彩瓶便是唐英親自監督燒往皇宮皇帝專用的官窯 瓷的高級仿製品。 瓷胎畫琺瑯是清代皇室釉上彩瓷中最為精美的彩瓷器,特別是乾隆琺瑯彩瓷是清代康,雍,乾三代琺瑯彩瓷中最為精美的巔峰之作,具有古典美的仙女獻壽圖是其代表。乾隆時期琺瑯彩瓷器的裝飾題材較雍正時更加豐富,除山水、花卉、花鳥 外,還有中國或西洋人物,以及受西方“ 洛可可 ” 藝術風格影響的各種洋花圖案。新增的各種色地、色地開光、色地軋道琺瑯彩瓷器,圖案繁複,不留空白,不題寫詩句。在乾隆時期出現了很多極其優秀的陶瓷作品,但琺瑯彩在製作程序和用 料上是其他眾多品種無法比擬的。畫工也不是一般的窯工,而是皇宮裡面頂尖的專業畫師,所以這些器物可以代表當時最高的藝術水平,最高的工藝水準。 故此本梅瓶為值得收藏之隹作。

Name and Specification: A Modern Meiping Vase in Fa-Lang-Tsai Enamels with Figures

DIMENSIONS: 26cm (Width) 26cm (Depth) 31.8cm (Height)

This vase has a short neck, sloping shoulders, a long round abdomen, and straight feet. The neck is covered with colorful clouds and green trees, the bottle body is painted with wishful clouds, and a fairy birthday picture on the golden silk painted enamel depicts the scene of a group of fairies celebrating the birthday of the Queen Mother of the West. The fairies and boys are each offering peaches to the towering ancient trees, which are tall and upright. Each fairy goddess has a different attitude, looks agile and realistic. Porcelain body painting in Fa-Lang-Tsai enamels is the most distinctive of the porcelain used by the imperial family in the Qing Dynasty. It was firstly fired in the Yongzheng kiln of the Qing Dynasty in Jingdezhen and was used as ornamental vessels. During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty (1728), Tang Ying was appointed as the pottery officer of Jingdezhen, and he made porcelain for the emperors of Yongzheng and Qianlong. The manufacture of this Meiping Vase was supervised by Tang Ying and it was a high-level imitation of the porcelain that was dedicated to the emperor in the imperial palace.

Porcelain body painting in Fa-Lang-Tsai enamels is the most exquisite porcelain in the imperial palace of the Qing Dynasty. It is in the category of on-glaze colored porcelain, the Qianlung Fa- Lang-Tsai enamel colored porcelain, which is the most exquisite colored porcelain of the three dynasties - Kang, Yong, and Qian dynasties. The classical fairies present the longevity picture in the model. The decorative themes of Fa- Lang -Tsai enamels porcelain during the Qianlong period were more diversified than those in the Yongzheng period. In addition to landscapes, flowers and birds, there were Chinese or Western figures, as well as various foreign flower patterns influenced by the Western "Rococo" artistic style. The newly-added Fa-Lang-Tsai enamels porcelains with various colors, colors consecrated, and colors rolled onto the enamel, have complicated patterns, leaving no blanks and without any inscriptions of poems. During the Qianlong period, many excellent Fa-Lang-Tsai enamels appeared, the production process and materials used for making those enamels are different from those of many other varieties. The painters are not ordinary kiln workers, but top professional art painters from the palace, so these artifacts represent the highest level of art and craftsmanship at that time.

Appraised Price Range: USD32,000-50,000

Documents and more

Certificate of Ownership

This non-fungible token (this “Fusion DOT”) serves as the certificate of legal title to and beneficial ownership of the Collectible, as defined in the Transfer Deed between Massive Treasure Limited and Coinllectibles Private Limited dated 02 August 2021 (and described in the Appraisal Report) incorporated into this Fusion DOT, upon the terms and subject to the conditions contained in the following documents incorporated into this Fusion DOT: (1) Transfer Deed; (2) Sale and Purchase Agreement; (3) Bailment Agreement; and (4) Appraisal Report

Transfer deed: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

SPA: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

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Appraisal Report: [Web Link] - [Arweave Link]

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Price history

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